V. Cote, G. Kos, R. Mortazavi, P. A. Ariya, Microbial and “de novo†Transformation of Dicarboxylic Acids by Three Airborne Fungi, Science of the Total Environment 340 (2008) 530-537!
V. Cote, G. Kos, R. Mortazavi, P. A. Ariya, Microbial and “de novo†Transformation of Dicarboxylic Acids by Three Airborne Fungi, Science of the Total Environment 340 (2008) 530-537!
I am almost done with responding to the reviewer comments of the latest manuscript. There are a few things left to clarify – mostly in the microbiological part and I am waiting for a couple of suggestions from one of the co-authors. Because it is summer, we got 6 weeks instead of the usual 4 to finish our review and it seems that we are going to need it.
Anyway I have redone the figures to make the error bars more visible and I have recalculated the counting error for the observed colony forming units in the graph displaying the metabolic activity of fungal species in the presence of dicarboxylic acids. More for you to read, when the paper is finally published.
I was busy writing in the past few weeks and I have recently submitted two manuscripts for review. One is about my previous work at the IFA-Tulln, where I have compiled details about the sample preparation procedure for the spectroscopic analysis of corn and wheat for contamination with mycotoxins and how chemometric results depend on the investigated size fraction of the ground cereal. It is data that has not been published or reported before and makes a nice package.
The other manuscript deals with current work – fungi and micro-organisms found in snow were identified and their ability to transform dicarboxylic acids as part of their metabolism was investigated. Quite a few analytical methods were used for this study including Solid-State-NMR and GC/MS.
I now have a couple of weeks to concentrate on other stuff, before the reviewer comments will come in.